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Substance Abuse Treatment

Our Houston substance abuse physicians, counselors, and medical staff are dedicated to working with our clients from the very first day of recovery to the last and beyond. 


Substance Abuse Treatment
Some of the services that are offered by The BES Group, Inc. are:


  • Intensive Outpatient Treatment, adult and adolescent. The Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), 8 weeks in length, meets three times weekly on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday for three hours each time and is provided by a licensed clinician. Intensive Outpatient Treatment is perfect for people who may need further treatment following inpatient services or for those who need to continue working while they are in a treatment program. Patients still have time for work, school, and other life responsibilities while they are participating in the program. Our intensive outpatient program utilizes a 12-Step philosophy and other proven clinical treatment methods to help make positive changes in the participants’ lives, to help insure addiction recovery success, and assist the patient in making positive life decisions. Activities include individual counseling, chemical dependency education groups, family education groups, family counseling, spirituality awareness, and relapse prevention education.

  • Supportive Outpatient Treatment Program (SOP). The Supportive Outpatient Treatment Program is a 90 day program, meets 2 times per week on Tuesday and Thursday. Services provided include individual counseling, chemical dependency education groups, relapse prevention education, process groups, and spirituality awareness. Patients still have time for work, school, and other life responsibilities while they are participating in the program. The Supportive Outpatient Treatment Program is designed for those individuals that meet the criteria for a lesser level of care with focus on:​

    • Common Challenges in Early Recovery

    • Drug & Alcohol Triggers (Internal & External)

    • Spirituality in Recovery

    • Thinking Reports

    • Stages of Change

    • Emotions in Recovery

    • Aftercare Planning

    • Relapse Prevention

    • Sex/Relationships in Recovery

    • Effects of Chemicals on the Body​​​​​​​​​

  • Aftercare Services provided free to those individuals that successfully complete any program with us, is available for two years and meets once weekly for one hour. The Aftercare Program helps those who complete the program to remain connected to fellow peers, to be able to discuss any issues in their recovery program, and form a close bond with people who are active in their recovery programs. We are proud to offer such a program as not many drug and alcohol addiction centers offer such a valuable tool for patients after their stay in an addiction facility.

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